We’re on the lookout for fresh voices like yours. If you have insights that could spark innovation or challenge conventional thinking in our field, we’re all ears. Don’t wait for that earth-shattering idea – we value perspectives that shed new light on the everyday challenges our readers face.
Let’s be upfront: contributing to our platform is no small feat. We set the bar high and will push you to reach it. If your pitch is accepted, you’ll receive comprehensive feedback from our editorial team and work closely with an editor to refine your piece.
But the rewards are substantial. Your work will reach thousands of industry professionals, potential collaborators, and decision-makers. Plus, you’ll hone your skills in articulating complex ideas, refine your writing, and likely discover new facets of topics you thought you knew inside out.
What We’re After
You can submit a complete draft, a work-in-progress, or a detailed pitch (a couple of paragraphs outlining your main argument and its relevance to our audience) along with an outline. The more developed your submission, the more specific our feedback can be. Remember, we only publish original content – anything previously published elsewhere (including personal blogs) is off the table.
Before hitting send, ensure your submission:
- Presents a clear thesis and compelling argument – not just a listicle.
- Has a distinct voice. Be authentic, engaging, and relatable.
- Targets iGaming professionals or players.
- Backs claims with solid evidence. Fact-check rigorously and cite sources.
Our Publication Spectrum
We feature articles ranging from 800 to 3,000 words, depending on the topic’s complexity. The sweet spot is around 1,800 words. Many pieces are accompanied by custom visuals. While we welcome a range of tones – from conversational tutorials to in-depth analyses – all content should offer well-researched, thoughtful explorations of current or emerging trends in the digital landscape.
Submission Process and Next Steps
Send your submission to our editorial team via email. We strongly prefer Google Docs for easy collaboration, but we also accept plain text, Markdown, or HTML formats. (Please don’t send asset packages unless an editor requests them.)
Here’s what happens after you submit:
- An editor reviews your piece for potential fit.
- If promising, the entire team discusses it at our weekly content meeting.
- You’ll receive consolidated feedback and suggestions for improvement.
- After addressing our comments, submit your revised draft.
- The team reassesses the piece and decides on acceptance.
- If accepted, you’ll work closely with an editor on structure, argumentation, and style.
- We’ll schedule publication once revisions are complete. (Note: We can’t provide a specific publication date until the article is nearly finalized.)
Ready to share your expertise with our community? We’re excited to hear from you!